Oklahoma Retired Teachers Association

About OREA


Our Mission

The Oklahoma Retired Educators Association provides a voice for retired education employees, secures and protects benefits, and enhances the quality of life for its members.

Visionary Oklahoma educators led the fight to establish the Teachers’ Retirement System in 1943. In 1952, many of those same leaders founded the Oklahoma Retired Educators Association to promote and protect the interests of a growing retired educator community. Quickly, OREA became the voice for retired public education employees.

Several generations later, OREA remains the trusted leader in all matters related to retired educators in Oklahoma. In good times and bad, OREA has sought to provide excellent representation and benefits to its members.

Operating from a solid foundation of organizational knowledge and experience developed over many decades, OREA leaders responsibly represent member views in the public arena. OREA and its representatives are well-known and respected by the state’s political leaders.


OREA pursues an ambitious legislative program to enhance retirement benefits, as well as:

  • Protect the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) defined benefit plan design
  • Secure adequate retirement system funding
  • Maintain the independence of the TRS Board of Trustees
  • Protect retiree access to quality health insurance at a reasonable cost
  • Increase the state health insurance premium subsidy
  • Improve the death benefit payable to the beneficiaries of retired educators
  • Achieve adequate legislative-appropriated funding for public education at all levels

OREA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for its members through legislative accomplishments and a comprehensive package of excellent member benefits. These benefits are made available by reputable companies carefully selected for their ability to serve retired educators.

OREA values every member, and understands that the organization’s ability to accomplish its goals depends on achieving optimal membership among the 60,000 retired educators currently receiving benefits from the Teachers’ Retirement System. OREA also seeks the membership of active age 45+ educators whose interests are the same as those already retired.

OREA is a welcoming organization. If not already a member, please join us today!

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